We are environmentalists and filmmakers who want to share the story of one of the greatest environmental successes of the century, the preservation of a gray whale nursery threatened by a giant industrial salt works.
Over the last two years, the The Whale Lagoon Project has been filming the recollections and insights from the constellation of characters from Mexico, the U.S., and Japan involved in the fight to save the lagoon – the local fishermen and their families, poets and politicians, scientists and celebrities, activists and journalists.
Magen Entertainment is the production company for Who Saved the Whale Lagoon, which is a Project of The Ocean Foundation. The International Community Foundation is also receiving and administering charitable gifts for our documentation of Laguna San Ignacio. Both Foundations are 501(c)3 organizations.
We have been so encouraged by the support and engagement of our family, friends, colleagues, and many others who are part of the story of Who Saved Laguna San Ignacio. We are eager to grow our “core audience” of those who share our passion for this place and its people and our desire to share this story of environmental success.
Many have already given generously of their talents and time and recollections and insights to move us forward with the production of the feature film and the further development of the documentary project. We thank you all.
Homero Aridjis and Betty Ferber | Grupo de Los Cien – Authors, News of the Earth (2017)
Julia Carrabias | Former Minister of the Environment, Mexico
Alejandra Navarete | Government and Multinationals Liaison Officer, Ocean Foundation
Andrés Rosental | Former Deputy Foreign Minister of Mexico
US and International
Paloma Aguirre | Senior Program Officer for the Environment, International Community Foundation
Mary Ann Beyster | Documentary Filmmaker and Impact Producer
Jared Blumenfeld | Secretary of the Environment, State of California – Jared’s biweekly podcast is Podship Earth
Serge Dedina, Wildcoast and Mayor, Imperial Beach, CA – Author, Saving the Gray Whale: People, Politics, and Conservation in Baja California (2000)
Tetsuo Jimbo | CEO,
Larry Kopald
Amanda Maxwell | Director, Latin American Program, Natural Resources Defense Council
Anne McEnany | Senior Program Officer, Alumbra Innovations Foundation
Angie Mulder, Baja Discovery
Marisa Quiroz | President and CEO, International Community Foundation – ICF’s blog on Gray Whales in the Baja Peninsula
Patrick Ramage | Director, Outreach and Program Collaboration, International Fund for Animal Welfare
Joel Reynolds | Western Director, Natural Resources Defense Council – Joel’s blog marking the 20th Anniversary of the Victory over the Saltworks
Marcie Rothman
Dick Russell | Writer – Author, Eye of the Whale: Epic Passage from Baja to Siberia (2001)
Mark Spalding | President, The Ocean Foundation – Mark’s paper for Justice in Mexico: Mobilizing Across Borders: The Case of the Laguna San Ignacio Saltworks Project.
Emily Young | Exec. Dir., The NonProfit Institute, University of San Diego
Dr. Roger Payne | Founder and President of the Ocean Alliance – Ocean Alliance overview of Dr. Payne’s engagement and statements on the campaign to stop the saltworks.
Dr. Steven Swartz |Co-Director and Founder, Laguna San Ignacio Ecosystem Science Program – Author, Lagoon Time: Our Life and Times Among the Gray Whales of Laguna San Ignacio (2014)
Mary Lou Jones | Researcher, Laguna San Ignacio Ecosystem Science Program
Pierce Brosnan and Keely Smith Brosnan
Elizabeth Coleman Author and Editor – Editor, Here: Poems for the Planet (2019)
Wendy Larsen, Poet and Josie Merck, Painter – Authors, The Gray Whales of Baja (2012)
Richard Sobol, Photographer – Author, Adelina’s Whales (2003)
We are so grateful for the financial support that we have received from our family and friends and all of you. Your charitable contributions have enabled us to make great progress in documenting Laguna San Ignacio in spite of the pandemic. With your help, we can make a film that will have a real impact in Baja California and around the world. It is a story of environmental success at at time our planet really needs one.
Mother Whales ($50,000+)
Friendly Whales ($20,000+)
- Elizabeth Armstrong
- Josephine A. Merck
- Caroline Steifel
Breaching Whales ($10,000+)
- Russell and Carole Faucett
- Russell and Sara Foszcz
- The David & Heidi Welch Foundation
Spyhoping Whales($5,000+)
- Elizabeth Barratt-Brown
- Mary Ann Beyster
- Jared Blumenfeld
- Beatrice R & Joseph A Coleman Foundation
- Doug Hammer & Patricia Dunham
- Larry Kopald & Andrea Nelson
- Marcie Rothman
- Wiatt Family Fund
- Ira Ziering
Migrating Whales ($1,000+)
- Clover Bergmann
- Jonathan & Lindsay Scherr Burgess
- Erik Eckholm
- Jeff & Ursula Foszcz
- Sheira Freedman
- Keifer & Bill Irwin
- Eric Kentor
- Susan Levine & James Lauer
- Lawrie Mott
- Angela Mulder
- Adam & Marlyse Scherr
- Barry Scherr
- Jacob & Carole Dickert Scherr
- Thomas & Cathryn Scoville
- Nancy Tartt
Gray Whales
- Joshua Barrett & Julie Adams
- Beto Bedolfe
- Burkey & Donna Greenfield Belser
- Susan Buffone
- Carole Feld
- Peggy Hubble
- Gerben Hoeksma
- Susan Lightcap
- Steve Mills
- Luanne Rice
- Patricia Sullivan
- Ron Ullrich
- Barbara VanHanken
- David Williams